I’m Henry Desroches; I’m a front-of-the-front-end developer && design engineer && creative technologist && UX engineer && web developer from Denver, Colorado. I got my start Coding For The ’Net in 2004, using Dreamweaver to make websites for school projects. I’ve worked professionally on the web since 2015, mostly at creative web agencies, though I’ve done some time with some incredible teams at FAANG companies and other large corporations.
I had my first opportunity to speak at 11ty Conf in May of 2024, and would absolutely love the chance to speak out again, on topics like CSS necromancy, the IndieWeb, personal websites, and web animation.
Digital Frontiers, IndieWeb Cowboys, and A Place Online To Call Your Own
The IndieWeb is a community of developers and designers and web-surfing wraiths connected by a belief in personal websites/domains as identity, digital self-publishing, and perhaps most chiefly owning one’s content. In this talk, I explore the key principles of the IndieWeb, and specifically focus on the concept of POSSE (or “Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere”), its benefits, and how it empowers folks to reclaim ownership of their online content or data. I also discuss concrete and actionable strategies for implementing POSSE in one’s own online presence and the potential impact it can have on the wider web.
I'm still taking on freelance web design and development projects on a case-by-case basis. Let’s talk!
I’m most active and reachable via email. My Serious & Professional Resume lives here and my Not Very Serious At All Resume lives here. Reach out and touch faith